Features: Free channels, Musicbots, Ranksytem, BF4 ServersPlease view the info channels at the top of the server for more information!LEVEL SYSTEMUsers are able to reach a higher level by being online on our server.
The maximum level is 100!
webinterface includes a leaderbord, achievements and stats.
MUSICBOTSMembers of the group “DJ” are able to control the bots.
Furthermore, the bots have a webinterface. Ask Hedius for bot permissions.
TEMP/SEMI-PERM-CHANNELSEveryone is able to create temp- and semi-perm-channels.
PERM USER CHANNELS/ PERM GROUP CHANNELSUsers can request permanent channels. Those channels may be protected by a password or by a special channel(member) group